
Download music from Deezer with a nice front end

Primary LanguagePython

Music Downloader 🎶 🎧 💃 🦄


  • download songs, albums, public playlists from Deezer.com (account is required, free plan is enough)
  • download Spotify playlists (by parsing the Spotify website and download the songs from Deezer)
  • download as zip file (including m3u8 playlist file)
  • 320 kbit/s mp3s with ID3-Tags and album cover
  • download songs via youtube-dl
  • KISS front end
  • MPD integration (use it on a Raspberry Pi!)
  • simple REST api

How to use it

There is a settings file template called settings.ini.example. You can specify the download directory with download_dir. Pressing the download button only downloads the song/album/playlist. If you set use_mpd=True in the settings.ini the backend will connect to mpd (localhost:6600) and update the music database. Pressing the play button will download the music. If use_mpd=True is set the mpd database will be updated and the song/album/playlist will be added to the playlist. In settings.ini music_dir should be the music root location of mpd. The download_dir must be a subdirectory of music_dir.

As Deezer sometimes requires a captcha to login the auto login features was removed. Instead you have to manually insert a valid Deezer cookie to the settings.ini. The relevant cookie is the sid cookie. A dedicated thread in the background is used to keep the cookie alive.

Run it as a service

We use it with nginx and ympd as mpd frontend

  • / goes to ympd
  • /d/ goes to the downloader

The deployment directory contains a systemd unit file and a nginx vhost config file. There is also a patch to add a link to the ympd frontend. The debug tab will show you the debug output of the app.

Try it out

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo vim /opt/deezer/app/settings.ini # insert your Deezer cookie
/opt/deezer/app/venv/bin/python /opt/deezer/app/app.py # start the backend

# On the host:
xdg-open http://localhost:5000 # view frontend in the browser
ncmpcpp -h # try the mpd client


There is a docker-compose file in the docker directory. Before using it execute chmod 777 docker/downloads as the container runs as a non root user . The downloads directory is the volume the container uses for the downloads. You also have to supply a valid Deezer cookie in the docker-compose file as environment variable.


apt-get update -q
apt-get install -qy vim tmux git gcc ffmpeg
apt-get install -qy python3-virtualenv python3-dev
git clone https://github.com/kmille/deezer-downloader.git /opt/deezer
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 /opt/deezer/app/venv
source /opt/deezer/app/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r /opt/deezer/requirements.txt
pip install -U youtube-dl
cp /opt/deezer/app/settings.ini.example /opt/deezer/app/settings.ini
# Adjust /opt/deezer/app/settings.ini
/opt/deezer/app/venv/bin/python /opt/deezer/app/app.py

# for mpd
apt-get install -yq mpd ncmpcpp
# adjust the file paths in /etc/mpd.conf and settings.ini
systemctl restart mpd
ncmpcpp -h


ctrl-m: focus search bar
Enter: serach for songs
Alt+Enter: search for albums
ctrl-b: go to / (this is where our ympd is)
ctrl-shift-[1-7] switch tabs

Some screenshots

Search for songs. You can listen to a 30 second preview in the browser.

Search for albums. You can download them as zip file.

List songs of an album.

Download songs with youtube-dl

Download a Spotify playlist.

Download a Deezer playlist.

ncmpcpp mpd client.


python -m unittest -f tests.py

Deployment with ansible (includig mpd and ympd)

https://github.com/kmille/music-ansible (almost always outdated)


Version 1.1 (13.05.2020)

  • thanks to luelista for the contribution!
  • play 30 second preview in browser
  • add Vagrantfile
  • show album cover in search results
  • use a threaded queue for download tasks
  • list album songs