
One Time Password View for iOS. Built in Swift 5

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


One Time Password View for iOS. Built in Swift 5

Swift 5 compatible Platform iOS License: MIT


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Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OTPFieldView'

Then run the following in the same directory as your Podfile:

pod install



@IBOutlet var otpTextFieldView: OTPFieldView!

func setupOtpView(){
        self.otpTextFieldView.fieldsCount = 5
        self.otpTextFieldView.fieldBorderWidth = 2
        self.otpTextFieldView.defaultBorderColor = UIColor.black
        self.otpTextFieldView.filledBorderColor = UIColor.green
        self.otpTextFieldView.cursorColor = UIColor.red
        self.otpTextFieldView.displayType = .underlinedBottom
        self.otpTextFieldView.fieldSize = 40
        self.otpTextFieldView.separatorSpace = 8
        self.otpTextFieldView.shouldAllowIntermediateEditing = false
        self.otpTextFieldView.delegate = self

The becomeFirstResponderAtIndex property sets the pinField at the specified index as the first responder. The isContentTypeOneTimeCode property sets the contentType of the first pinField to .oneTimeCode to leverage the iOS 12 feature where the passcode is directly fetched from the messages.


enum DisplayType: Int {
    case circular
    case roundedCorner
    case square
    case diamond
    case underlinedBottom

Delegate Methods

extension OtpViewController: OTPFieldViewDelegate {
    func hasEnteredAllOTP(hasEnteredAll hasEntered: Bool) -> Bool {
        print("Has entered all OTP? \(hasEntered)")
        return false
    func shouldBecomeFirstResponderForOTP(otpTextFieldIndex index: Int) -> Bool {
        return true
    func enteredOTP(otp otpString: String) {
        print("OTPString: \(otpString)")
  • hasEnteredAllOTP(): Returns true when all text Fields are full.
  • shouldBecomeFirstResponderForOTP(): Show keyboard automatically.
  • enteredOTP(): Get entered pin.


  • .displayType: Display type for Text Field.

  • .fieldsCount: Length of OTP.

  • .otpInputType: Input type for Text Field : numeric, alphabet, alphaNumeric.

  • .fieldFont: Font for Text Field.

  • .secureEntry: Shows • instead of text.

  • .hideEnteredText: Hides the text.

  • .requireCursor: Shows/Hides cursor.

  • .cursorColor: Color for Cursor.

  • .fieldSize: Size of Text Field.

  • .separatorSpace: Space between Text Fields.

  • .fieldBorderWidth: Border width for Text Fields.

  • .shouldAllowIntermediateEditing: Allow to edit from middle.

  • .defaultBackgroundColor: Empty text field background color.

  • .filledBackgroundColor: Filled text field background color.

  • .defaultBorderColor: Empty text field border color.

  • .filledBorderColor: Filled text field border color.

  • .errorBorderColor: Error text field border color.

  • .delegate: delegate.


OTPFieldView is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.