
Full microservices environment with Api-Gateway, Service Discovery, Config Server and two microservices with Load Balance

Primary LanguageJava

SC Microservices

Routes  |   Documentation  |   Technologies  |   Building  |   Docker  |   Contributing


Method URL Description
GET http://localhost:8765/cambio-service/{amount}/{currencyFrom}/{currencyTo} Get cambio from currency
GET http://localhost:8765/book-service/{bookID}/{currencyTo} Get book from ID
GET http://localhost:8761 Eureka Server UI
GET http://localhost:9411 Zipkin
GET http://localhost:15672/ RabbitMQ Management




Swagger Docs

URL Description
http://localhost:8765/swagger-ui.html Visual Documentation
http://localhost:8765/v3/api-docs Api Documentation


This project was developed using the following technologies:


You'll need Java 11+ and Maven installed on your computer in order to build this app.

$ git clone https://github.com/eric-souzams/sc-microservices.git
$ cd sc-microservices

$ cd {service-name}
$ mvn install

after install all applications
$ cd {service-name}
$ mvn spring-boot:run

order to UP: naming-server -> api-gateway -> cambio-service -> book->service 


You'll need Docker installed on your computer in order to build this app.

$ git clone https://github.com/eric-souzams/sc-microservices.git
$ cd sc-microservices

$ cd {service-name}
$ mvn install
$ mvn package

after package all applications
$ docker-compose up


This repository is currently under development. If you want to contribute please fork the repository and get your hands dirty, and make the changes as you'd like and submit the Pull request.