Why polymer-brick?

WebComponents and Polymer are really awesome and every developers should have a look to these technologies.

This project is a POC to demonstrate how to use Polymer to create a WebComponent.

What is polymer-brick?

Polymer-Briwk is a web component (called a brick) which aims to display a resume of an article:

  • title
  • description
  • image

It also allows to share the article with some social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+).
Note: Sharing buttons are not yet web components but it should...

Screenshot of bricks in action

This component has also many CSS effects which are very cool!

Disclaimer: I'm not web designer. Styles of this web component are really inspired by Slate.fr

How to use polymer-brick?

Hey this is just a web component, so it's really easy ;-)

First import the component

<link rel="import" href="elements/b-brick/b-brick.html">

Then use it

   title="<your title>"  
   desc="<your desc>" 
   href="<link to the article>" 
   img="<the background img>"
   tw="<number of tweets" 
   fb="<number of facebook's shares>" 
   gp="<number of google+ shares>"

Et voilĂ !

Like it?

You can test the online demonstration
It has been tested with Chrome, Safari and Firefox (it still has style issues with Firefox)

I created this component for fun. If you like it, just say hello to @etaix.