This project consists of parts:
- Maven plugin that generates the widgetset configuration during project build
- Maven archetype for creating easily new projects using the service
- Client library used in Vaadin application at runtime
The service uses Maven to compile the requested widgetset on the fly. Generation creates a unique ID for the widgetset based on the the following configuration:
- Vaadin version
- all addon dependencies in the project
- eager loading of widgets (by default deferred loading is used)
- GWT compilation style (e.g. OBF, PRETTY)
Maven plugin can be used to automatically generate code for the client. It uses the project classpath to resolve the included add-ons.
The plugin is available in Maven central repository. To use the VWSCDN build plugin in your build, add the following:
NOTE: Remove all widgetset annotations in you Servlet classes and also remove the .gwt.xml file.
If you want to run generation of by hand you can use the following command:
mvn -e vwscdn:generate
With the Maven archetype you can easily create a project setup that uses the central compilation service.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
This will prompt for project artifactId and groupId and generate a simple Vaadin application project.
To run the sample at localhost use:
cd sample
mvn jetty:run