
Can't convert Images from a rosbag

awesomebytes opened this issue · 2 comments

If reading messages from a rosbag one gets an error like:

ValueError: Unable to convert message _sensor_msgs__Image - only supports Numpy_sensor_msgs__Image, Numpy_geometry_msgs__Transform, Numpy_nav_msgs__OccupancyGrid, Numpy_sensor_msgs__PointField[], Transform, PointField[], Image, Numpy_geometry_msgs__Quaternion, OccupancyGrid, PointCloud2, Numpy_geometry_msgs__Point, Pose, Point, Numpy_geometry_msgs__Vector3, Numpy_geometry_msgs__Pose, Numpy_sensor_msgs__PointCloud2, Vector3, Quaternion

That's because

In [1]: from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

In [2]: img = Image()

In [3]: img.__class__
Out[3]: sensor_msgs.msg._Image.Image

In [4]: from rosbag import Bag   

In [5]: b = Bag('poc_bag.bag')

In [6]: r = b.read_messages(topics=['/pepper/camera/depth/image_raw'] )

In [7]: topic, msg, time =

In [8]: msg.__class__
Out[8]: tmpldS_vh._sensor_msgs__Image

In [13]: img.__class__.__name__
Out[13]: 'Image'

In [14]: msg.__class__.__name__
Out[14]: '_sensor_msgs__Image'

From a rosbag the messages don't seem to have the proper type (I guess it has something to do with the way messages are stored).

I've run into this, too. Appears to be a rosbag issue, not a ros_numpy issue. Also plays havoc with pickle. I found that I could work around this by inserting the correct __class__ when loading from a rosbag. Lame, but it works for my need:

for msg in msgs:
        if msg.topic == odom_topic:
            msg.message.__class__ = nav_msgs.msg._Odometry.Odometry
        if msg.topic == scan_topic:
            msg.message.__class__ = sensor_msgs.msg._PointCloud2.PointCloud2

Based on the answer by rarmstrong22.

For anyone searching for a quick working solution. In case you are sure it is a ROS Image message but it still throws this error.
This worked for me:

import ros_numpy
import sensor_msgs

def get_img_from_ros_image_msg(msg):
    """ Returns image as a numpy array. 
    Note: can be used with any topic of message type 'sensor_msgs/Image'
    msg.__class__ = sensor_msgs.msg.Image
    return ros_numpy.numpify(msg)

img_array =  get_img_from_ros_image_msg(msg)