Cardano Transaction Composer


  • Build Transaction: To build the transaction, cardano-serialization-lib library is the best library on Cardano, you can use it in both in the frontend and backend.
  • Concern: this library is wrote in rust, the package for the frontend is wasm(web assembly) package, which will be harder to implement it on landing website
  • Solution: Build a tool(website) that have ability to compose the transcation, the other website can just insert simple javascript function inside its website, and able to use this tool to build the transaction

Website Integration (Sending ADA)

  • HTML
<button type="button" onclick="handleWallet()">
  Send ADA
  • JavaScript
function handleWallet() {
    const type = 'send';
    const ada = 2;
    const address = 'addr1q8mdmhgtqe3v5zsgnawzjz0u483m7gtk6kg9wkq00tk28x792r3ky7amnm59ld6wm8qup4rlgyqh25n6n2p0vj48fvjs90fgmf'
    var link = '' + type + '&address=' + address + '&ada=' + ada
    var width = 600
    var height = Math.min(800, parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10))
    var left = (parseInt(window.outerWidth, 10) / 2) - (width / 2)
    var top = (parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10) - height) / 2, 'Delegate', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=' + left + ',top=' + top);

Website Integration (Mint NFT)

  • HTML
<button type="button" onclick="handleWallet()">
  Mint NFT
  • JavaScript
function handleWallet() {
    const type = 'mint';
    var metadata = {
      "ExampleName": {
        "image": "ipfs://QmRTrTgdoK9uxfCnk4dgsb6GfZ3zguFfQ9EXU6hVPBYrvv",
        "name": "Example Name"
    var metadata_string = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(metadata)); 
    var link = '' + '?type=' + type + '&metadata=' + metadata_string
    var width = 600
    var height = Math.min(800, parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10))
    var left = (parseInt(window.outerWidth, 10) / 2) - (width / 2)
    var top = (parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10) - height) / 2, 'Delegate', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=' + left + ',top=' + top);