
This is the skeleton code of the backend API for mood sensing application. The backend service is implemented by Flask. Cassandra is the choice for database. I use google places API to find the nearest location given user's location. (


  1. The mood data is very large and cannot be fit into a machine.
  2. The third call API will return a nearest location (home, office, shopping center) if the given user is happy now. I assume the users are happy if the latest mood record in the database is happy and the timestamp is within one hour.

Define API

upload a mood: POST /api/users/<user_id>/ {"authentication": "XYZ", "location": {"lat": 33.3, "lon": 13.3}}

return the mood frequency: GET /api/users/<user_id>/moods {"authentication": "XYZ"}

return the proximity to a location: GET /api/users/<user_id>/proximity {"authentication": "XYZ"}

Layout code structure

main files are:

  1. app/ the backend API service.
  2. test the backend service.
  3. cassandraTable.cql: create tables in cassandra cluster. Define the partition key.

Design data model and key data structures

Three tables are stored in Cassandra. I choose NoSQL database because mood_fact table can potentially be very large. Cassandra can sort the records by time stamp, which is a advantage for proximity API.

  1. mood_fact





  2. mood_dim



  3. authentication_token


Unit tests

  1. test the correctness
  2. test the robustness (throughput)
  3. test the latency