brew install erictsiliacos/tap/portal
You can use the
option to get more details about the commands and their options
Set up the same pairing using git-duet or git-together
Push local changes to a remote branch based on your pairing
portal push
-h, --help displays usage information of the application or a command (default: false)
-s, --strategy git-duet, git-together (default: auto)
-v, --verbose verbose output (default: false)
Pull changes from the portal branch name and clean up the temporary branch
portal pull
-h, --help displays usage information of the application or a command (default: false)
-s, --strategy git-duet, git-together (default: auto)
-v, --verbose verbose output (default: false)
to a string of your choice will add to the commit message that portal creates
if there exists git commit message hooks that need satisfying
e.g. export PORTAL_COMMIT_MESSAGE="<message goes here>"
Bats is a bash testing framework, used here for integration tests. This can be installed with homebrew.
brew bundle
go test ./...
bats ./bats
Idea: George Dean (@gdean123)