This paper is based on two major conflicts in the field of automatic image annotation: the conflict between the massive low-noise datasets required by the rapidly developing web architecture and the cost of data screening and annotation; and the conflict between the need for small samples and model deployment and the current state of expert annotation and inspection accuracy requirements. To address the two problems of reducing image screening and labeling costs and classifying small samples for industrial rare cases, three automatic labeling modules are proposed for object detection, classification and object detection plus classification tasks, respectively.
(1) Image annotation based on single-stage migrated object detection model: this chapter designs a recurrent annotation strategy, writes an automatic annotation module for the detection task, and conducts experiments using Yolov5 for industrial datasets. The training phase uses migration learning fine-tuning, evolutionary algorithms tuned to optimize the learning rate decay curve; the prediction phase uses active learning to screen samples. Finally, the influencing factors of migration performance are investigated, the effectiveness of the cyclic annotation strategy based on active learning is verified, and the annotation module is optimized to achieve functions such as image retrieval by object category and automatic dataset generation, which reduces the manual screening and annotation cost of images.
(2) Migration less sample classification image labeling based on twin networks: This chapter writes an automatic classification and labeling inspection module, experiments with surface defect texture classification dataset, uses pre-training weights for knowledge migration, and makes the twin network possess the ability to recognize the similarity of image pairs by using contrast learning in fine-tuning, and takes the category with the greatest similarity as the classification result. The effectiveness and optimization of migration learning and contrast learning to solve the classification task of small-sample industrial texture dataset is successfully investigated to achieve the goal of industrial small-sample classification.
(3) Composite image labeling system based on object detection network and multimodal migratory classification network: the basic idea is to first use object detection network to achieve localization to remove redundancy and preliminary classification, and then use a migratory vision model based on multimodal supervised signal to customize text labels to achieve secondary classification. This chapter independently writes and optimizes the composite annotation system based on the above network model, and successfully implements several automatic annotation extension applications including multi-object dynamic emotion recognition and color classification.
Key Words: Transfer learning; Automatic; image annotation; Object detection; Twin networks; Few-shot learning; Multi-modal
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