Interview Kit Challenge by HackerRank

  • 🚧 -> To be done
  • ✅ -> Done
  • 🟢 -> It was easy
  • 🟡 -> Strugled a bit
  • 🔴 -> It was hard

Lets go

Warm up

✅🟢 [1/69] Sales By Match

✅🟡 [2/69] Couting Valleys

✅🟢 [3/69] Jumping on the Clouds

✅🟢 [4/69] Repeated String


✅🟢 [5/69] 2D Array - DS

✅🟡 [6/69] Minimum Swaps 2

✅🟢 [7/69] Arrays: Left Rotation

✅🔴 [8/69] New Year Chaos

🚧 [9/69] Array Manipulation

Dictionaries and Hashmaps

✅🟢 [10/69] Hash Tables: Ransom Note

✅🟢 [11/69] Two Strings

✅🔴 [12/69] Sherlock and Anagrams

✅🟡 [13/69] Count Triplets

🚧 [14/69] Frequency Queries


✅🟢 [15/69] Sorting: Bubble Sort

✅🟡 [16/69] Mark and Toys

✅🟢 [17/69] Sorting: Comparator

🚧 [18/69] Fraudulent Activity Notifications

🚧 [19/69] Merge Sort: Counting Inversions

Greedy Algorithms

✅🔴 [20/69] Greedy Flourist


Exercises not included in the interview kit list but I solved it anyway in order to consolidate concepts and algorithms

✅🟢 Insertion Sort - Part 1

✅🟢 Insertion Sort - Part 2