
Simple Symfony bundle for Cloudinary PHP API library

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Speicher210 CloudinaryBundle

Latest Version Software License Build Status Coverage Status Quality Score


Add speicher210/cloudinary-bundle to your composer.json file:

composer require "speicher210/cloudinary-bundle"

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Speicher210\CloudinaryBundle\Speicher210CloudinaryBundle(),
        // ...


Configure the connection to cloudinary in your config.yml :

    url: cloudinary://my-key:my-secret@my-cloud
    # The next configuration variables should be defined if they are not present in the URL
    # The URL will take precedence
    cloud_name: my-cloud
        api_key: my-key
        api_secret: my-secret

The following services will be available:

$this->get('speicher210_cloudinary.cloudinary'); // Extension of Cloudinary from cloudinary package.

$this->get('speicher210_cloudinary.api'); // Extension of Cloudinary\Api from cloudinary package.

$this->get('speicher210_cloudinary.uploader'); // Extension of Cloudinary\Uploader from cloudinary package.

You can pass the same options to the twig filter or function:

{{ cloudinary-public-id | cloudinary_url({'width': 50, 'height': 50, 'crop': 'fill'}) }}
{{ cloudinary_url('cloudinary-public-id', {'width': 50, 'height': 50, 'crop': 'fill'}) }}
{{ cloudinary_image_tag('cloudinary-public-id', {'height' : 150}) }}
{{ cloudinary_video_tag('cloudinary-public-id', {'height' : 150}) }}

For further documentation see Cloudinary PHP library


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.