Assignment - style your own website

This is an assignment for the course "digital techniques and production". You are given a easy template of a webpage. Your assignment is to change the CSS to make it as beautiful as you want! Now, CSS isn't always easy even if it feels like it. You are more than welcome to ask each others and Google things you want to do. Add CSS to every search you do to make it easy for example "css change background color". Copy and paste. That's how we roll. Really.

Person one

  1. Set up a Github account if you haven't got one.
  2. Download the tool VS Code and install it as an application on your computer. Make sure to download the right version depending if you have Mac or PC.
  3. Set up the project (see setting up the project section).

Person two

  1. Set up a Github account if you haven't got one.
  2. Download the tool VS Code and install it as an application on your computer. Make sure to download the right version depending if you have Mac or PC.

Setting up the project

  1. One of you downloads this repository as a zip-file to your computer.
  2. Save the folder somewhere where you easily can find it again. For example /documents/sites or on the desktop.
  3. If you double click the index.html file you will open the page in your default browser. You can now see how the page looks like.
  4. Open the application VS Code.
  5. In VS Code, go under "file" > "open project" and select your folder that you have downloaded from Github.
  6. To check if all works: click on index.html in VS Code to open the file in VS Code.
  7. Change "Your title" in the <h1> element to something else (it can be whatever you want).
  8. Save the file.
  9. In your browser - update the page. You should now see your change.
  10. In VS Code press button "live share" and share the link to the other person. If needed - login with you Github account.
  11. You can now code together on the project.


So now it's time for you to start programming! You decide yourself on how much you want to change. We don't have this assignment to make you programmers - it's for you to understand what programming is. But we need to have some requirements. Here they are.

Stretch goals


You can do everything (more or less) in CSS and HTML. I've created some list for you to look at if you find it hard to know where to begin.

Save your work

Create a new "repository" in Github. Upload the files that you have been working on. Make sure that your friends has access to it.



How to