Okay, so this was my first successful simulation! I ran for 10^4 steps, and then restarted & ran for another 10^4, which looked converged.
I saved these in two JLD files, and the routine post_process.jl computes their properties.
To make the corner plot, I had to call corner.jl from julia, and then call_corner.py from python.
To reproduce these results:
1). Make sure Julia & required packages are installed. The packages used are JLD, PyPlot (this requires python & matplotlib to be installed).
2). Start up Julia. Run the script:
julia> include("fit_tyc3559_norv.jl")
3). Let it run - takes about 5 hours on 2015 Macbook Pro.
4). Next, restart & run:
julia> include("fit_tyc3559_restart.jl")
This takes another 5 hours.
5). Plot various diagnostics by running post_process.jl: include("post_process.jl")
6). Create a file to read into Python:
julia> include("corner.jl")
7). From command line
$ python call_corner.py
creates a plot named "demo.png".
Julia code file descriptions:
fit_tyc3559_norv.jl: Computes markov chain for TYC 3559 fit to Kepler with correlated noise (no RV data).
fit_tyc3559_restart.jl: Restarts initial run to compute final 10^4 step chain.
kepler.jl: Solves Kepler's equation.
occultquad.jl: Compoutes a quadratic limb-darkend transit/eclipse/occultation light curve.
cgs.jl: Defines CGS (centimeter-gram-second) constants.
lorentz_likelihood_hermitian_band_init.jl: Compute covariance matrix & do initial decomposition.
post_process.jl: Post-processes the markov chain to compute correlation length, covariance, etc.
compute_likelihood_save.jl: Computes likelihood with saved decomposed matrix.
lorentz_likelihood_hermitian_band_save.jl: Solve inverse covariance for Lorentzian ACF with saved decomposed matrix.
transit_orb.jl: Computes transit model for an orbiting body.
corner.jl: Takes results from markov chain & writes to .csv file for reading into Python to make corner plot.
model_tyc3559_norv.jl: TYC 3559 photometric model (with no RV fitting).
model_tyc3559_v2.jl: TYC 3559 photometric model with new parameterization (v2).
bandec.jl: Complex version of numerical recipes LU decomposition for banded matrix routine.
banbks.jl: Complex version of numerical recipes LU back-substitution for banded matrix routine.
Python code:
call_corner.jl: Calls corner.py to make plot for the paper.