Online link discussion tracker
Version 0.5.6
Website for locating online discussions about a given article on Reddit, Hacker News, and Slashdot.
Currently hosted at: discussitapp.com
Discuss-it takes a URL you think may have interesting discussion online and queries across a number of discussion hubs.
After submitting your URL we return a page of discussions. The links take you directly to the comments page of the article in question so that you can begin talking about the url you searched for immediately.
Current list of queried sites:
- Hacker News
- Slashdot
The returned results include the top discussions as sorted by upvotes/points for each queried site followed by all discussions found.
The API call is source agnostic and converts results from each site into similar listing objects that can be manipulated and sorted easily.
Slashdot does not have an API so results from Slashdot are aggregated by our custom API which scrapes the most recent postings and stores them as listings in a database.
Open Developer API
See more info on our Developer Portal
Want to use our app for easy searching?
Discuss It results can be conveniently accessed with a JSON request to our submit page:
For easy searching, add Discuss-It search to your bookmark bar, just add a new bookmark and paste in this hunk of JS:
javascript:(function() {
function searchDiscussIt() {
var url = window.location.href;
var discussit = 'http://discuss-it.herokuapp.com/submit?url=';
window.location.href = discussit+url;
Created and maintained by
CodingAntecedent :: github, twitter
ericalthatcher :: github, twitter
Find a bug? Contributions welcome.
See LICENSE for the full license text.