
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Roma Doces de Vitrine

Customised eCommerce application with shopping cart, admin functionality and payment integration. Client built with React and server built with Node, Express and MongoDB.

State management

  • Redux used for state management (implemented with redux toolkit).


  • Mobile-first, fully responsive application;
  • CSS (which include CSS Flexbox, Grid and Animations) generated with SASS;
  • Customised navigation and other component styles.


  • Users authenticated with email and encrypted passwords (using bcryptjs and a mongoose middleware);
  • JSON web tokens stored in cookies for authorization;
  • React lazy loading used to limit access to the code that powers private routes in the browser;
  • Contact form sends emails with nodemailer and the Gmail API. OAuth2 is used so that security features don't need to be disabled on the google account;
  • Nodemailer and the Gmail API (OAuth2) also used to handle e-mail verification and password recovery.