Service Worker Prototype


I wanted to learn more about service workers and how they could be implemented within a React app, so I created this project.


I used create-react-app to get this thing up and going quickly, so if you wanted to run this locally, you'll need to first install it using

npm install -g create-react-app

and then run one of the following commands (as output by create-react-app):

npm start -> Starts the development server.

npm run build -> Bundles the app into static files for production.

npm test -> Starts the test runner.

Running the Production Build to test the Service Workers

I'm still in the process of learning how to test service workers within a development build, but in the meantime, they currently work in the production build. In order to run the production build locally, you'll need a static server. pushstate-server is the one I'm currently using as it was recommended by create-react-app, and can be installed by running:

npm install -g pushstate-server

Once it's installed, run the following command to start running the server with the output of npm run build:

pushstate-server build

Note: By default this uses port 9000

You can then view the results at localhost:9000


I used the following projects as references in building this: