
Terraform deploy of Confluent Replicator for CCloud to CCloud replication

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Terraform deploy of Confluent Replicator for CCloud to CCloud data replication

Developed using https://github.com/confluentinc/ccloud-tools as a basis

Currently only GCP deployment available (AWS and Azure to come up, contibutions welcome ;-)


  1. Two Confluent Cloud Clusters Up and Running. Destination cluster is expected to run on GCP. Replicator will be deployed in same region as destination cluster
  2. Be Mindful that if you use VPC Peering for your cluster(s), replicator will have to be deployed in a location where it has access to both source and destination clusters. Therefore, these scripts would need to be modified to adjust networking requirements
  3. Outside of evaluation purposes, you need a license to use Confluent Replicator in production
  4. A GCP Project and Sufficient access rights to create the resources by the terraform plan

Customizing it :

Mandatory Steps

  1. cd terraform/gcp
  2. cp cloud.auto.tfvars.example cloud.auto.tfvars
  3. Edit the cloud.auto.tfvars file and insert your GCP project information and service account credential file (cf https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys)
  4. cp ccloud.auto.tfvars.example ccloud.auto.tfvars
  5. Edit the cloud.auto.tfvars file and insert your Confluent Cloud Source and Destination clusters urls and credentials
  6. Create a password file terraform/utils/connect.password, and insert online with your own Kafka Connect REST API user and password in this form : user:password

Optional Steps

  1. File terraform/gcp/variables.tf : you may customize number of replicator instances to deploy, as well as, confluent version to use
  2. File terraform/util/kafka-replicator-config-template.json : you may customize here some replicator configurations, like the white or black list of topics to replicate

Running it

  1. cd terraform/gcp
  2. terraform init
  3. terraform plan
  4. terraform apply
  5. if terraform applied successfully, you shall see a new sub-directory load: cd load
  6. You may need to wait a few minutes for the full infrastructure to be really up and then ./loadReplicator.sh -> This script will load the replicator config through the Kafka Connect REST API


The project is licensed under the Apache 2 license.