Overview: Make ILSpy a command line tools for MacOsx ,Linux and any mono supported platform, because ILSpy does not work in MacOsx. It's import from https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy So thanks to ILSpy Contributors: Daniel Grunwald David Srbecky Ed Harvey Siegfried Pammer Artur Zgodzinski Eusebiu Marcu Pent Ploompuu They did a great work. Features: works on command line; Decompile all dll in the input arguments and generate the project files and solution files just simply by one simple command line. I like that style instead of a GUI. It's better that reading the codes in the IDE than reading it in the ILSpy GUI, more feature help you understand the decompiled codes. Usage: ILSpyMac [options] directory/to/all/your/dll made it run at all platform support mono. by aerror 2015/11/27 options: -n Solution Name -l References dll path which dll will be loaded but not decompile , they use as References. -t Output language type, accept il or csharp, default is csharp. Example: ILSpyMac -n Example -l /directory/to/Rerences/dll /directory/to/all/your/dll How to build: Open the ILSpyMac.sln by MonoDevelop or Xamarin, then click the build button. .NET 4.0 required. Check your Mono.Framework at /Library/Frameworks, it should looks like: ll /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/ total 8 drwxr-xr-x 13 root admin 442 11 28 22:36 3.10.0 drwxr-xr-x@ 12 root admin 408 9 29 05:51 4.0.4 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 49 11 28 22:37 Current -> /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.0.4