A NodeJS wrapper for WeasyPrint
This module is basically a complete complete rewrite of Trim/weasyprint-wrapper, and the fork chain there. This version has Typescript support, correct options parsing, and other improvements.
Since this is only a wrapper, you do still need the WeasyPrint binary. You’re better off following their installation instructions, but it may be as simple as installing it with pip3
pip3 install weasyprint
With the binary installed, install this package from npm
npm i node-weasyprint
Since this uses the CLI interface under the hook, the WeasyPrint command line API applies.
import weasyprint from "node-weasyprint"
// URL, specifying the format & default command to spawn weasyprint
const stream = await weasyprint("https://google.com/", {
command: "~/programs/weasyprint"
const buffer = await weasyprint("<h1>Test</h1><p>Hello world</p>", {
buffer: true
// Save in a file
try {
await weasyprint("<h1>Test</h1><p>Hello world</p>", { output: "test.pdf" })
} catch (err) {
WeasyPrint does not provide support for adjusting page size or document margins via flags. This is best accomplished with the CSS @page at-rule. Consider the following example:
@page { size: Letter; /* Change from the default size of A4 */ margin: 3cm; /* Set margin on each page */ }