Deploy Vuepress example to Layer0

A demo deployment of Vuepress app to Layer0.


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Deploy with Layer0

Getting Started

Clone This Repo

Use git clone to get the files within this repository onto your local machine.

Install dependencies

On the command line, in the project root directory, run the following command:

npm install

Run the Vuepress app locally on Layer0

Run the Vuepress app with the command:

npm run dev

Load the site:

Testing production build locally with Layer0

You can do a production build of your app and test it locally using:

npm run build # Production build of your app locally
layer0 build && layer0 run --production # Production build of your app on Layer0 locally

Setting --production runs your app exactly as it will be uploaded to the Layer0 cloud using serverless-offline.

Deploying to Layer0

Deploying requires an account on Layer0. Sign up here for free. Once you have an account, you can deploy to Layer0 by running the following in the root folder of your project:

layer0 deploy

See deploying for more information.