
A rough skeleton of a Clio in-out board.

Primary LanguageRuby

Clio In/Out Board skeleton

Feel free to add to the Gemfile any gems that you find helpful.

Environment Requirements

The app must run on:

  • Ruby 2.1.4
  • Rails 3.2.*
  • sqlite3

Features to Add

Asynchronous updates

The statuses in the UI should update asynchronously, in close to realtime, without having to refresh the page or click the update link.


The app should be able to support teams of users (such as Customer Service Reps, Salespeople) so that people on a team can better track the people they work with.

A user can only belong to a single team. The following functionality should be present:

  • Create a team
  • Delete a team
  • Change a team's name
  • Add & remove people from teams


Ensure that the app has good test coverage using RSpec. Your tests should produce a reasonable test coverage report. (Use COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec to generate the coverage report; the report is located at coverage/index.html.)

Migration for IP addresses

There is a branch in this project (integer-ips-for-users) which contains code to convert the current_sign_in_ip and last_sign_in_ip columns on the User table from strings to integers. Merge it into your code.

This branch contains a migration (20130416230652_convert_string_ips_to_integers.rb) which, when run, will destroy any existing data in those columns. Alter this migration to ensure that, if the database was full of data before the migration, all data would still be intact afterwards.

Additional Questions to Answer

Please include your answers in a text file with the project.

  1. Notice that, in the finished project, the IP addresses are stored as integers in the DB. What are the pros and cons of this approach, compared to storing the IP addresses as strings?

  2. Are there any security issues present in the app itself? (No need to mention security vulnerabilities within external gems.) List any security issues you found, and how to fix them. Also list any potential security issues that you investigated which you believe the site to be free of.