
A few samples of Aspected Oriented Programming using PostSharp (C#)

Primary LanguageC#


A few samples of Aspected Oriented Programming using PostSharp (C#)

This tutorial is based on the offical written tutorial of Postsharp at
http://doc.postsharp.net/logging. Please read that first if the code
or functionality is not obvious.

Test Console UI

Start the AspectTestConsoleUI (mark as Startup Project)

Expected Output in Debug Window

'AspectTestConsoleUI.vshost.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: AspectTestConsoleUI.vshost.exe): Loaded '       

'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.

Entering: CustomerRepository.Save(this = {DataAccessLayer.CustomerRepository}, "Eric", "Brunner", "my street", "Vienna")

Leaving: CustomerRepository.Save(this = {DataAccessLayer.CustomerRepository}, "Eric", "Brunner", "my street", "Vienna")     : True

The lines starting with Entering: and Leaving: are the result of the LogAttribute Aspect added to the Save method.

Unit Test

Please refer to CustomerRepositoryTests.cs in CustomerRepository.Tests and run the test

Expected Output in Debug Window

------ Run test started ------


Entering: CustomerRepository.Save(this = {DataAccessLayer.CustomerRepository}, "Eric", "Brunner", "my street", "Vienna")

See log entry in Debug->Windows->Output

Leaving: CustomerRepository.Save(this = {DataAccessLayer.CustomerRepository}, "Eric", "Brunner", "my street", "Vienna") : True

NUnit VS Adapter executing tests is finished
========== Run test finished: 1 run (0:00:01,2092881) ==========

The lines starting with Entering: and Leaving: are the result of the LogAttribute Aspect added to the Save method.