
A Cordova app template tailored for starters

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cordova App Template

This is a starter template project for cordova apps, tailored for people starting with HTML5/JS development. It has a basic building process using gulp with an improved version of cordova's hello world app. There's a lot of room for improvment that we intentionally left out to avoid making it too hard to understand neither too opiniated.

Setting up

  • Install cordova globally if you haven't done it yet: npm install -g cordova.
  • Install bower globally if you haven't done it yet: npm install -g bower.
  • Install the mobile SDKs (XCode, Android SDK, etc).
  • clone this repository
  • Install required node tools: npm install
  • Install bower components: bower install
  • Update your cordova config.xml to reflect your project id, reverse name, common name and other info.
  • Add your target platforms: cordova platform add ios android ...
  • Add your cordova plugins: cordova plugin add plugin_name ...

Running tasks

  • To develop locally run gulp serve. This will open a browser serving the content of app/ directory with a live-reload setted. Any changes you made in your code will be automatically reloaded.

  • To prepare a build for debugging in the device (without minifications and so) use gulp build.

  • To prepare a build for production use gulp build --production.

Building cordova app

Once you build your project you have to perform the cordova build, which was not included as gulp tasks on purpose. Just run the usual cordova build command.

Development guidelines

  • Manage your external libraries with bower. e.g.: bower install jquery --save
  • Always build from app to www and from there to cordova. Never update your app directly in the platform builds.
  • Do not commit your external libraries and binaries like app/vendors,node_modules,platforms/*. Always perform the setup (one-time only, usually) then build.
  • When working with Backbone keep your views stateless. Remember that state belongs to models. Views listen to model changes.
  • With Backbone prefer listenToover on.
  • Always create your code inside an anonymous function and add a use strict directive inside it, not globally. eg.:
  • Organize your classes and objects in namespaces under the main app. Do not pollute the global namespace.
(function () {
  "use strict";
  app.views = app.views || {};
  app.views.MainView = Backbone.View.extend({...});