If you have questions about any aspect of this book or the sample code, please email me at zhongchen.zhou@live.com.au
The full working sample code discussed in the book "Programming Salesforce Marketing Cloud" can be installed as unmanaged package from the URL or short URL:
- Production / Developer Org:
- Sandbox:
Below table lists major components of this unmanaged package.
Component Type | Component Name | Description |
Apex Class | CustomSms | Class contains our domain data model |
Apex Class | MarketingCloudControllerBase | Base class for CustomSmsAppController and CustomSmsActivityController, including logic to perform authorization code oAuth 2.0 flow |
Apex Class | CustomSmsAppController | Controller for CustomSmsApp Visualforce Page |
Apex Class | CustomSmsActivityController | Controller for CustomSmsActivity Visualforce Page |
Apex Class | CustomSmsActivityService | REST service for CustomSmsActivity |
Apex Class | MarketingCloudClientV2 | Class contains methods to invoke marketing cloud REST and SOAP API |
Apex Class | MarketingCloudClientFactory | Class to read marketing cloud settings (client id, client secret, URLs) from custom metadata and initiate MarketingCloudClientV2 instances |
Apex Class | TwilioService | Use Twilio to send out SMS |
Unit Test | CustomSmsActivityControllerTest | Test class for CustomSmsActivityController |
Unit Test | CustomSmsAppControllerTest | Test class for CustomSmsAppController and MarketingCloudControllerBase |
Unit Test | MarketingCloudClientFactoryTest | Test class for MarketingCloudClientFactory |
Unit Test | CustomSmsActivityServiceTest | Test class for CustomSmsActivityService |
Unit Test | MarketingCloudClientV2Test | Test class for MarketingCloudClientV2 |
Unit Test | TwilioServiceTest | Test class for TwilioService |
Visualforce Page | CustomSmsActivity | User interface for custom activity |
Visualforce Page | CustomSmsApp | User interface for custom app |
Static Resource | postmonger | JavaScript framework to communicate between custom activity and journey builder |
Static Resource | MarketingCloudActivityConfig | JSON file contains configuration for custom activity |
Static Resource | MarketingCloudApp | Contains data table style sheet and JavaScript used in custom app user interface |
Static Resource | Marketing_Cloud_SQL_Query | SQl for marketing cloud SQL Query activity |
Static Resource | Marketing_Cloud_Script_Activity | Server Side JavaScript for marketing cloud Script Activity |
Static Resource | Server_Side_JavaScript_Landing_Page | HTML for marketing cloud landing page to test server side JavaScript |
Remote Site | Marketing_Cloud_Auth_Tenant | Marketing cloud authentication base URL for your instance |
Remote Site | Marketing_Cloud_REST_Tenant | Marketing cloud REST API endpoint URL for your instance |
Remote Site | Marketing_Cloud_SOAP_Tenant | Marketing cloud SOAP API endpoint URL for your instance |
Remote Site | Twilio_API | Twilio API endpoint URL to send out SMS |
Custom Metadata Type | Marketing Cloud Package Setting | Custom Metadata to save marketing cloud settings (client id, client secret, URLs) |
There are eleven marketing cloud settings saved in custom metadata
- WebServerClientId: client id for web server API integration component
- WebServerClientSecret: client secret for web server API integration component
- activityRedirectUri: URL for custom activity in salesforce site, added to the web server API integration component redirect Uri
- appRedirectUri: URL for custom app in salesforce site, added to the web server API integration component redirect Uri
- authBaseUriTenant: marketing cloud authentication base uri
- dataExtensionExternalKey: external key for marketing cloud data extension saving Twilio SMS
- jwtSigningSecret: jwt signing secret for the marketing cloud package contain custom activity
- restBaseUriTenant: Marketing cloud REST API endpoint URL for your instance
- server2ServerClientId: client id for server to server API integration component
- server2ServerClientSecret: client secret for server to server API integration component
- soapBaseUriTenant: Marketing cloud SOAP API endpoint URL for your instance
After install the unmanaged package, let's create a site within salesforce.
- create site and write down site URL
- set the value for "Clickjack Protection Level" to "Allow framing of site or community pages on external domains (Good protection)"
- add the following two domian to site "whitelisted domains for inline frames", remember change it to your marketing cloud instance url, mine is on s10 instance, yours could be different.
- add visualforce page "CustomSmsApp" and "CustomSmsActivity" to "site visualforce pages"
- add apex class "CustomSmsActivityService" to site "public access settings"
Find static resource named "MarketingCloudActivityConfig" and update the json configuration file. Update URL in line
- arguments.execute.url (line 33): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/services/apexrest/activity/sms/execute
- configurationArguments.publish.url (line 38): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/services/apexrest/activity/sms/publish
- configurationArguments.validate.url (ine 43): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/services/apexrest/activity/sms/validate
- userInterfaces.configModal.url (line 50): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsActivity?ui=configModal
- userInterfaces.runningModal.url (line 55): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsActivity?ui=runningModal
- userInterfaces.runningHover.url (line 58): https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsActivity?ui=runningHover
- Register Twilio account
- apply for trial number
- write down account sid, auth token and trial number from Twilio dashboard
- open apex class TwilioService, and change the following 3 property value to your Twilio account information
- accountSid
- authToken
- fromNumber
public class TwilioService {
private static final string accountSid = 'AC76667a24********4ba0426aaa7f3';
private static final string authToken = '26af21290d5********36043b8686748';
private static final string fromNumber = '+12016465074';
- create one marekting cloud package "Custom SMS App & Activity" and add the following components to it.
- add web server API integration to the package and add the following two url to the redirect uri
- add marketing cloud app to the package and set the below login and logout url
- Login Endpoint: https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsApp
- Logout Endpoint: https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsApp?logout=1
- add journey builder activity to the package and set the below url for Endpoint URL
- create another marketing cloud package "Custom SMS Service" and add server to server API integration component to it.
- create data extension named "Twilio_SMS" to save Twilio SMS
- (Optional) create data extension named "Last Twilio SMS Sent Time" to save last sent time of Twilio SMS
- (Optional) create SQL Query activity and Script activity using the content of salesforce static resource to update Twilio SMS delivery status
- Static Resource Name for SQL Query activity: Marketing_Cloud_SQL_Query
- Static Resource Name for Script activity: Marketing_Cloud_Script_Activity
- Static Resource Name for Landing Page: Server_Side_JavaScript_Landing_Page
- (Optional) create one automation and add above SQL Query activity as step 1 and Script activity as step 2, schedule this automation to run every hour.
update the following marketing cloud settings in salesforce custom metadata "Marketing Cloud Package Setting"
- WebServerClientId: client id for web server API integration component within package "Custom SMS App & Activity"
- WebServerClientSecret: client secret for web server API integration component within package "Custom SMS App & Activity"
- activityRedirectUri: https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsActivity
- appRedirectUri: https://YOUR-SALESFORCE-SITE-URL/CustomSmsApp
- authBaseUriTenant: marketing cloud authentication base uri (https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.auth.marketingcloudapis.com)
- dataExtensionExternalKey: external key for marketing cloud data extension "Twilio_SMS"
- jwtSigningSecret: jwt signing secret for the marketing cloud package contain custom activity (Custom SMS App & Activity)
- restBaseUriTenant: Marketing cloud REST API endpoint URL for your instance (https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.rest.marketingcloudapis.com)
- server2ServerClientId: client id for server to server API integration component within package "Custom SMS Service"
- server2ServerClientSecret: client secret for server to server API integration component within package "Custom SMS Service"
- soapBaseUriTenant: Marketing cloud SOAP API endpoint URL for your instance (https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.soap.marketingcloudapis.com/)
add the following URL to remote site
- Marketing_Cloud_Auth_Tenant: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.auth.marketingcloudapis.com
- Marketing_Cloud_REST_Tenant: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.rest.marketingcloudapis.com
- Marketing_Cloud_SOAP_Tenant: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.soap.marketingcloudapis.com
Now we can use custom activity within Journey Builder and access custom app under AppExchange menu.