
What's the current weather in your area?

Primary LanguagePython



What is the current weather in your area?

Weathersnake uses the API from openweathermap to return the current temperature in a specific area

Installing weathersnake

It is highly recommended that you run this in a virtual environment

Installing from source (installs as a developer instance)

  • Clone repository to your local development environment
  • pip install -e .
Running Weathersnake
usage: weathersnake [-h] [--format {metric,kelvin,imperial}]

Python based temperature app

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {metric,kelvin,imperial}

Enter the name of a location in the form of "CITY","STATE/COUNTRY" to get the current temperature in that location.

Where are you? Newport News, VA
Newport News, VA weather:
 63.84 degrees Fahrenheit

To exit Weathernsake you can either send a keyboard interrupt CTRL + C or enter the word "quit" to exit.


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