Faster, route-centric development for Node.js apps with built-in Hot Module Replacement.
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- 1
per-branch deployments
#38 opened by ericclemmons - 1
#13 opened by ericclemmons - 0
Don't use Express for lambdas
#36 opened by ericclemmons - 0
MDX example
#35 opened by ericclemmons - 0
yarn release doesn't work
#14 opened by ericclemmons - 0
Kill children when tsconfig.json changes
#33 opened by ericclemmons - 1
Install missing modules
#3 opened by ericclemmons - 1
Missing route/module error
#8 opened by ericclemmons - 2
Auto-install TypeScript modules
#31 opened by ericclemmons - 1
Strip ANSI from error messages
#30 opened by ericclemmons - 1
TypeScript sourcemaps don't work with youch
#32 opened by ericclemmons - 0
Switch to TypeScript
#28 opened by ericclemmons - 0
*.js for wildcard routes
#27 opened by ericclemmons - 0
Update README to emphasize onboading
#26 opened by ericclemmons - 0
Test out now example
#22 opened by ericclemmons - 2
Koajs based project?
#20 opened by gnrlbzik - 4
Support esm
#6 opened by ericclemmons - 1
#9 opened by ericclemmons - 1
#17 opened by ericclemmons - 0
If port 3000 is in use, prompt for new port
#15 opened by ericclemmons - 1
Loading screen
#2 opened by ericclemmons - 1
SSE for reload
#1 opened by ericclemmons