A music player that uses the Discogs database to discover new music. It will leverage Discogs' API query to create unique playlists. It will then use YouTube to randomly playback the returned songs that are available.
- Take user input for a record label
- Query Discogs for songs from the record label
- Query YouTube for available songs from record label
- Randomize YouTube results
- Playback YouTube results in embedded player
- Continue playback until finished with list
- Refine search filters to include genre, release date range, sold for range, sell for range, sold from range
- Integrate Firebase to store playlists
- Integrate an Add To Cart feature for Discogs store
- Integrate an Add To Wantlist feature for Discogs
- Integrate GoogleMusic if it can fill out gaps in YouTube search results
- This is a great place
- to list setup instructions
- in a simple
- easy-to-understand
- format
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Questions, comments or just wanna say hi? Reach out to me any time: ericconnerr@gmail.com
React, Atom, github, JS, CSS, Sketch, Discogs API, YouTube API
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Eric Conner