
A plugin for Gulp to stage files in the object stream for git.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Build status Coverage Known Vulnerabilities License Prettier

plugin for gulp to stage files with git


A plugin for Gulp to stage an object stream of files on git.

First, install gulp-gitstage as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev gulp-gitstage

Then, add it to your gulpfile.js:

const gitstage = require("gulp-gitstage");

const files = gulp.src("./src/*.ext").pipe(gitstage());

files.on("data", function (file) {
  console.log("Staged file:", file);



This plugin takes a single object as configuration. The available options are listed below. Note that all options are optional.

option type description default
gitCwd String Override from which directory git is executed. "./"
stagedOnly Boolean Only stage previously staged files. false


const gitstage = require("gulp-gitstage");

// Stage all files in the pipe
const gitstage = require("gulp-gitstage");

// Stage files only if they're already staged
gulp.src("./**/*").pipe(gitstage({ stagedOnly: true }));


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Known errors & solutions

git not found on your system.

The git command was not found in your environment variables. Read more here.

'gitCwd' must be a string.

The `gitCwd` option, as listed above, must be a string.

pathspec 'path/to/file' did not match any files

You are trying to add a file that does not exist in your project. Perhaps you're using gulp-rename before staging?

Unable to create '.../.git/index.lock': File exists.

The plugin is trying to run multiple instances of `git add` simultaneously. If you get this error report it immediately.