
My personal portfolio

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Repository for the personal portfolio of Eric Cornelissen.

Build tools

Functionality Tool
Accessibility tester aXe
Automatic reloading browser-sync
Build tool Gulp
CSS preprocessor PostCSS
HTML linter htmllint
JavaScript linter JSHint
JSON linter jsonlint
MarkDown linter markdownlint
Performance evaluator Lighthouse
Site generator Handlebars.js
Stylesheet linter stylelint
Test runner Jest

How to use the build tools

  • $ gulp: Build the site, watch for changes, and start a simple HTTP server (on port 4000) serving the site with live reload.
  • $ gulp analyze:a11y: Test the website for accessibility issues.
  • $ gulp analyze:perf: Do a performance check on the sites landing page.
  • $ gulp build: Build the project once.
  • $ gulp build:watch: Build the project and watch for changes.
  • $ gulp clean: Clean the project, removing all generated files.
  • $ gulp dist: Build the project for distributing purposes.
  • $ gulp lint: Lint the source code of the project.
  • $ gulp server: Start a simple HTTP server (on port 4000) serving the site. Requires $ gulp build or $ gulp dist to be run beforehand.
  • $ gulp test: Run the test suites of the project.

The result of commands that build the site can be found in ./_site. The result of commands that analyze the source code can be found in ./_reports.


You can use Gulp commands to run the server for this portfolio from a Docker image:

  • gulp docker:build: build the Docker image for the project.
  • gulp docker:rmi: remove the Docker of the project image from the system.
  • gulp docker:start: start a Docker container with a server for the portfolio. This image will be attached to local workspace so that local changes are immediately reflected by the server.
  • gulp docker:stop: stop (and remove) the Docker container.
  • gulp docker:logs: shows the logs of the Docker container.
  • gulp docker:attach: attach a shell to the Docker container.

Alternatively, you can serve the portfolio from a Docker image by running commands along the lines of:

# Build the Docker image to serve the portfolio
$ docker build -t portfolio-eric .

# Run the Docker image as a container to start a web server
$ docker run -d --rm -p 4000:4000 --name portfolio-server portfolio-eric

# Check the server logs
$ docker logs portfolio-server

# To stop the web server and delete the container
$ docker stop portfolio-server