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Rdio has been acquired, and the service will end soon. To help you move your collection to other services, we’ve provided this set of files with your Rdio data in various formats. Some of these make it easy to import your favorites and playlists into other services. Other files include some of your activity on Rdio (such as comments) that you can keep as your own personal record.

In your archive, you’ll find four folders:

Favorites: A list of your favorite albums and songs, artists, playlists, stations, and labels. Note: all the albums you’ve favorited are preserved as individual songs.
Downloads: A list of everything you’ve marked for download
Playlists: A list of the playlists you’ve created or collaborated on
Comments: A record of all the comments you’ve made

You’ll find the following file types in this archive:

* .xspf: An open source format for sharing playlists used by third-party tools to import your data into other services
* .csv: Tabular plain text data used to capture your Rdio collection — can be opened with a spreadsheet tool, such as Excel
* .txt: Plain text files so you can easily read your comments with a variety of text editors.
* .json: Data-interchange format containing information about your collection. Recommended for pros.

More information about third party services that use these file types can be found here: