ViviHealth Patient App

Before you start

ViviHealth requires a couple of previous steps to start with the installation.

  • You will need to have npm to install the application dependencies. If you don't have it, please follow this steps to install it.
  • You will need to belong to the apple organization development team for this project in order to run the application on iOS.
  • You will need access to a this private github repository to install this dependency:
  • Also, this is a React Native project, so you must install React Native. Follow this steps to do it.


  1. Clone the repo locally:
git clone
  1. Navigate into project
cd patient-app
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Configurate iOS project
cd ios
pod install
  1. Go back to main project folder
cd ..

Run application

You will need to run this application on a fisical device. This project is unable to run on emulator because of BioStrap dependency (library not built for Arm)

  1. Open application in xcode
cd ios
open patientApp.xcworkspace
  1. Configure signing on project target
  • Tap on patientApp project
  • Tap Signing & Capabilities tab
  • Tap on patientApp target
  • On Team field, choose the development team from your apple account
  1. Run the application: Product -> Run or just the play button
  1. Connect the device to your computer
  2. Run application
npm run android