
My current terminal configuration files

Primary LanguageShell


My current terminal configuration using oh-my-zsh on top of zsh.

This project uses Antigen as it's plugin manager, which will be automatically installed if not already present in the system.


Before continuing, make sure the following packages are installed:

You can use the following shortcuts to install them:

# MacOS
brew install fzf fd ripgrep hub

# Linux (Debian)
sudo apt-get install fzf fd-find ripgrep hub


To install, simply follow these steps:

  • Update local antigen git submodule with the git submodule update --init command.
  • Run the ./install.sh script.
  • Run source ~/.zshrc to refresh the zsh configuration.

Note: you must have zsh as your active shell for the installation script to work.


This project must be cloned in the following path for it to work out of the box: ~/Development/configuration/terminal-config.

To apply configurations specific to an OS, use the .{filename}_{OS} versions (example: .zshenv_linux will be applied to .zshenv only if the uname command returns "Linux" for the current OS.