
List of emoji for git commits. :boom:


List of emoji for git commits. 💥

Interesting idea from the Atom.io contributing docs.

Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji

List of Emojis for commits:

#####* 💄 when improving the format/structure of the code #####* 🐎 when improving performance #####* 🚱 when plugging memory leaks #####* 📝 when writing docs #####* 💡 New Idea #####* ‼️ DEV Certified (No QA Needed) #####* 🚧 Work in Progress #####* 💀 when removing code or feature #####* 🔦 when adding logging #####* 🙊 or 🔇 when reducing logging #####* 🚑 when fixing bugs #####* 🏁 when bumping version number #####* ⬆️ when upgrading a module / component


":lipstick: fixing coding standard."

":racehorse: 2s improvement on xyz."

Have other ideas for commit emojis ? (bug fix, new feature, idk?)

Personally I really like this idea since it makes it really easy to see the goal of the commit.

Putting this here since I plan on doing this and I'll like to have a place to point my team to.