This project enables you to develop OSGi bundles in Eclipse without needing to redeploy the bundle in the OSGi container as a jar.
This is based on a blog entry by Maksim Sorokin.
There are two key parts:
- A Java main 'com.whitewerx.felixosgiexample.runtime.Main'
- A Maven property 'auto.start.excludeGroupIds'
This is a wrapper around the normal Felix main 'org.apache.felix.main.Main.main'. It configures one property '' with a list of PAX URL assembly paths built up from the Maven Dependencies as seen in Eclipse. Note, however this list doesn't include any bundles discovered in the '' (typically $CWD/bundle).
The PAX URL assembly allows the bundle to be read from 'target/classes' instead of needing it to be packaged up a as jar.
Normally it is desirable to have all the true third party jars copied to the ''. This property controls which artefacts from the dependency list are EXCLUDED from being copied to the ''.
In this sample project it is set to
This means that any artifact with the 'com.whitewerx.felix-osgi-example.lib' will not be copied into the '' and is thus a target for a PAX assembly URL.
There is one property to be configured.
See resources for a list of Felix configuration properties.
Included in the sample is an Eclipse launcher 'felix-osgi-example-runtime.launch'. This can be used to run the sample once a 'maven install' build has occurred at the top level.
The key properties of the launcher are:
Main: com.whitewerx.felixosgiexample.runtime.Main
VM Arguments: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.ops4j.pax.url
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:felix-osgi-example.runtime/target/felix}
The most important is '-Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.ops4j.pax.url' which in conjunction with a Bundle Activator included in 'pax-url-assembly' jar tells Felix how to read bundles from assembly URLs.
Launching from Eclipse looks like:
[BOOT] Excluding from assembly: file:~/github/felix-osgi-example/runtime/target/classes/
[BOOT] Excluding from assembly: file:~/.m2/repository/org/osgi/org.osgi.core/4.3.0/org.osgi.core-4.3.0.jar
[BOOT] Excluding from assembly: file:~/.m2/repository/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.main/4.0.3/org.apache.felix.main-4.0.3.jar
[BOOT] Excluding from assembly: file:~/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.0.6/logback-classic-1.0.6.jar
[BOOT] Excluding from assembly: file:~/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-core/1.0.6/logback-core-1.0.6.jar
[BOOT] Felix auto start: = \
[BOOT] Actual property: assembly:~/github/felix-osgi-example/lib/target/classes/
08:04:37.136 [FelixStartLevel] INFO c.w.felixosgiexample.Activator - Start: com.whitewerx.felixosgiexample.Activator
08:04:37.140 [FelixStartLevel] INFO c.w.felixosgiexample.Activator - The chemical formula for Water is: H2O
08:04:37.385 [FelixStartLevel] DEBUG o.o.p.u.c.handler.HandlerActivator - Handler for protocols [assembly, assemblyref] started
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo
Note the PAX assembly URL for felix-osgi-example/lib!
If the auto.start.excludeGroupIds is left blank then all the bundles required by the runtime will be copied to the bundle folder. This means enables Felix to be launched directly and all the bundles resolved.
Notice the BundleActivator start/stop calls for the felix-osgi-example.lib bundle.
felix-osgi-example $ mvn clean install -Dauto.start.excludeGroupIds=
felix-osgi-example $ cd runtime/target/felix
felix $ java -jar lib/org.apache.felix.main-4.0.3.jar org.apache.felix.main.Main
20:25:10.682 [FelixStartLevel] INFO c.w.felixosgiexample.Activator - Start: com.whitewerx.felixosgiexample.Activator
20:25:10.687 [FelixStartLevel] INFO c.w.felixosgiexample.Activator - The chemical formula for Water is: H2O
20:25:10.938 [FelixStartLevel] DEBUG o.o.p.u.c.handler.HandlerActivator - Handler for protocols [assembly, assemblyref] started
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo
g! ^D
g! gosh: stopping framework
20:25:39.853 [FelixStartLevel] DEBUG o.o.p.u.c.handler.HandlerActivator - Handler for protocols [assembly, assemblyref] stopped
20:25:39.858 [FelixStartLevel] INFO c.w.felixosgiexample.Activator - Stop: com.whitewerx.felixosgiexample.Activator