An exploratory list of React ecosystem solutions
The React ecosystem is very young, and it's exploding with enthusiastic contributions. This list is an attempt to surface best practices and useful modules to help us build React applications.
This is a curated list. Intentionally not exhaustive. I'm using it to help me decide on the tools I want to use in my projects. If it helps you, too, that's great. If your favorite thing doesn't make the cut, fork the list and curate your own! We're all explorers, here. Blaze a trail.
\( ゚ヮ゚)/
- react-router
- react-router-redux Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
- react-native-web
- css-modules Documentation about css-modules
- react-css-modules Seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules inside of React components.
- Elemental-UI UI component lib
- React Toolbox UI component lib
- Belle UI component lib
- velocity-react Animations
- react-dnd Drag n Drop for React
- material-components
- React Bootstrap Twitter Bootstrap UI component lib
- Material UI Google's Material Design UI component lib
- React-Motion Spring animation solution for React
- React-Virtualized Recycled list component renders to the DOM only visible items and stays light forever.
- react-data-grid Datatable like component providing editable cells of multiple types + other options.
- tape tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
- tape-jsx-equals assertion for testing jsx rendering equality
- teaspoon a jQuery-ish API with synthetic event support
- CodeceptJS Functional testing
- cheerio a jQuery-ish API without synthetic event support
- Legitcode/tests
- enzyme JavaScript Testing utilities for React by Airbnb
- skin-deep Test assertion helpers for use with React's shallowRender test utils
- react-unit