I0 - Coming Soon!/ Wire Framing
I1 - Listing Items
Customer / \ Admin
Add to cart / \ CRUD Items
Delivery/pickup / \ Categories
Status/History / \ Orders
\ Browsing
\ Inactive items
#Base Expectations ##Unauthenticated Users
Browse all itemsBrowse items by categoryAdd an item to my cartView my cartRemove an item from my cartIncrease the quantity of a item in my cartLog in, which does not clear the cart
- ~~view another user’s private data (such as current order, etc.) ~~
Checkout (until they log in)View the administrator screens or use administrator functionalityMake themselves an administrator
##Authenticated Non-Administrators
do everything Unauthenticated Users can do except "log in"log outview their past orders with links to display each order
items with quantity ordered and line-item subtotalslinks to each item description pagethe current status of the orderorder total pricedate/time order was submittedif completed or cancelled, display a timestamp when that action took place
they can still access the item pagethey cannot add it to a new cart
view another user’s private data (such as current order, etc.)view the administrator screens or use administrator functionalitymake themselves an administrator
Create item listings including a name, description, price, and upload a photoModify existing items’ name, description, price, and photoCreate named categories for items (eg: "Small Plates")- ~~ Assign items to categories or remove them from categories. Products can belong to more than one category.~~
Retire an item from being sold, which hides it from browsing by any non-administrator
###As an Admin, I can also view an order "dashboard" where I can:
- See a listing of all orders with:
the total number of orders by statuslinks for each individual orderfilter orders to display by status type (for statuses "ordered", "paid", "cancelled", "completed")link to transition to a different status:link to "cancel" individual orders which are currently "ordered" or "paid"link to "mark as paid" orders which are "ordered"link to "mark as completed" individual orders which are currently "paid"- Access details of an individual order, including:
Order date and time*Purchaser full name and email addressFor each item on the order:Name linked to the item pageQuantityPriceLine item subtotalTotal for the orderStatus of the order- Update an individual order
- View and edit orders; may change quantity or remove items from orders with the status of pending or paid
- Change the status of an order according to the rules as outlined above
Modify any personal data aside from their own
##Data Validity There are several types of entities in the system, each with certain required data. Any attempt to create or modify a record with invalid attributes should return the user to the input form with a validation error indicating the problem along with suggestions how to fix it.
An item must have a title, description, and price. -
The title and description cannot be empty strings. -
The title must be unique for all items in the system -
The price must be a valid decimal numeric value and greater than zero
The photo is optional. If not present, a stand-in photo is used. -
A user must have a plausibly valid email address that is unique across all users -
A user must have a full name that is not blank -
A user may optionally provide a display name that must be no less than 2 characters long and no more than 32
An order must belong to a userAn order must be for one or more of one or more items currently being sold- An order is marked for pickup or delivery
- If marked for delivery, an order has an associated address with street number, street, city, state, and zip
##Example Data To support the evaluation process, please make the following available via the rake db:seed task in your application:
- At least 20 items of varying prices
- Some of the items should be attached to multiple categories
- At least 5 categories with a varying number of member items
- At least 10 sample orders, with at least two at each stage of fulfillment (ordered, completed, cancelled)
- Normal user with full name "Rachel Warbelow", email address "demo+rachel@jumpstartlab.com", password of "password" and no display name
- Normal user with full name "Jeff", email address "demo+jeff@jumpstartlab.com", password of "password" and display name "j3"
- Normal user with full name "Jorge Tellez", email address "demo+jorge@jumpstartlab.com", password of "password" and display name "novohispano"
- User with admin priviliges with full name "Josh Cheek", email address "demo+josh@jumpstartlab.com", password of "password", and display name "josh"
#Submission Guidelines
- Your project must be "live" on the web for your evaluation. We recommend you deploy it on Heroku
- Your README file on GitHub should contain a link to your live site
- On the production site, the URL path /code should redirect the user to the GitHub repository