
Technical Challange from BrasPag to develop a Rest API for simulated Merchant Discount Rates operations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Technical Challange from BrasPag to develop a Rest API for simulated Merchant Discount Rates operations


  • GET /mdr = retrieves the hole MDR database

PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'get' -Uri 'http://rest-api-mdr.azurewebsites.net/mdr'

  • GET /mdr/{Adquirente} = retieves only the information from the required Adquirente

PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'get' -Uri 'http://rest-api-mdr.azurewebsites.net/mdr/A'

  • POST /transaction = receives a json structure and returns the value taxed by the related Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)

PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'post' -Uri 'http://rest-api-mdr.azurewebsites.net/transaction' -ContentType 'application/json' -Body '{"Valor":200,"Adquirente":"C","Bandeira":"visa","Tipo":"credito"}'

"Valor": transaction value to be taxed
"Adquirente": name reference of the merchant
"Bandeira": card brand
"Tipo": transaction type, such as credit and debit