A simple to use Loki handler for deno std log
Please feel free to use the code in this project for your own projects this is more a example than anything useful
import * as log from "https://deno.land/std@0.163.0/log/mod.ts";
import { LokiHandler } from "./mod.ts";
handlers: {
localLokiHandler: new LokiHandler("DEBUG", {
url: "http://localhost:3100",
enableArgNaming: true,
loggers: {
main: {
handlers: ["localLokiHandler"],
level: "DEBUG",
const logger = log.getLogger("main");
logger.info("Example Message");
logger.info("Example Message with Object", { foo: "bar" });
logger.info("Example Message with Named Object", ["ARGNAMES", "test"], {
foo: "bar",
"Example Message with Named Object, and unnamed object",
["ARGNAMES", "test"],
foo: "bar",
{ bar: "baz" }
If passing multiple argmuments into a log request, and argNaming is enabled on the logger, an Array starting with "ARGNAMES" can be passed into the first arg on the log function call, which will define the names used for the rest of the arguments on the log line on prometheus
(see example)