
Some kind of pdsh clone

Primary LanguageRust


A pdsh clon written in Rust

Build Status Coverage Status

This is just a little pet project to learn Rust. The intention is to support the concurrent command execution in cluster environments, more specifically on HPC systems.

How it works?

jaibon works by sending ssh commands to the specified nodes, it works only in Linux (unix like) systems where the ssh tool is available. The specified command is appended resulting in something like ssh user@host cmd.

This tool asumes that the ssh key configuration was done between nodes as a setup, so the password is not needed.

jaibon 0.1.0

    jaibon [OPTIONS] --command <command> --nodes <nodes>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --command <command>    The command to be executed in the remote hosts.
    -n, --nodes <nodes>        Specify the node or list of nodes where the command
                               will be executed. The list of nodes should be set in a
                               separated comma list format.
    -u, --user <user>          Set the username used to perform the SSH connection to
                               the specified hosts. If is not set, the user will be
                               retrieved from the $USER environmental variable.


This project is under development and it doesn't have a formal release, the installation steps for now are:

* Clone this repo
* Run `cargo install`
* Execute `jaibon`




  • Launch threads instead of loop execution.
  • Refactor on structures, a lot of ugly code.
  • Support of hostlist format