categorical variational autoencoder using the Gumbel-Softmax estimator
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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recons = tf.reduce_sum(p_x.log_prob(x),1)
#13 opened by gitfourteen - 1
About Unsupervised Clustering Under VAE?
#6 opened by LynnHo - 0
why hard sampling should use stop_gradient ?
#12 opened by kelvinleen - 4
gumbel-softmax in fairseq
#11 opened by nicolabertoldi - 1
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what 'p_x.log_prob(x)' mean?
#10 opened by WHQ1111 - 2
Question regarding KL calculation
#7 opened by backpropper - 1
Great thanks for your code. I have a question. If I have a matrix, whose elements is discrete (i.e., binary state 0 or 1), needed to be trained under a given loss function, how should I train it?
#8 opened by zhuqunxi - 0
Discretization or not in the evaluation ?
#5 opened by Sunarker - 1
error in gs vae v2
#4 opened by tigerneil - 2
Is there empirically good temperature?
#2 opened by wsjeon - 1
Should `y` be sparse/binary?
#1 opened by bkj