Eric Junkins, ericjunkins Joseph Wroe, jowr5102 Jean-Christophe Owens, jeow9028 Vilok Krishnan, vilok95
Title: Remote Control Phone App
Description: Write a mobile App to be able to control devices through wireless signal. The exact devices are not determined yet, but ideas include battery operated RC cars, and other robotic devices.
Vision Statement: Easy access to remote control devices from mobile devices.
Motivation: Fun and convenient alternative to leisure activity that already exists.
Risks: Working enviorment - No one has written phone apps before, or Java either. Unfamiliarity with communicating with hardware devices on a base coding level.
Mitigation Stragety: Consult with known/familiar industry professionals about writing mobile apps to communicat with wireless devices. Andriod Studio/Java tutorials and learning exercise
List of Requirements: 6 User Stories
As a devoper I want to write an app to access the bluetooth functionality of the phone to send signals wirelessly
Size: ~6hr
As a devloper I want to write a Raspberry pi program to read blutooth signals sent from the phone to establish communication from phone to device.
Size ~6hr
As a developer I want to be able to translate actions on app to correct signals sent to motors
Size: ~8hr
As a developer I want to convert signals from raspberry pi to motor control to be able to move the device
Size: ~8hr
As a user I want to be have access to features like remote start/turn off, battery life of device etc, for conveinence sake
Size: ~6hr
As a user I want to have the app organized in an easy to use and clear fashion for the purpose of ease to use
Size: ~4hr
Metholodogy: Agile, plan to work in small incrimenets in which at the end of we have a working product that fufills that stages processes
Project Tracking Software:
Project Plan:
Plan on project tracking software, link above.
File Structure: Main Repo -- JavaDoc -- Contains all the autodocs for the java files of the android app MyFirstApp -- Contains everything necessary to build the app /app/src/main/java/come/example/lerrrrmps -- Location of Java files used to build appp /res -- all files needed for XML display and variables used for the app RaspberryPi -- files used on the raspberry pi(s) to control the RC car Supporting documents -- powerpoints etc TestingPrograms -- programs used to test functionality of wifi network etc, not used in final build
Running the code -- The android app should be runnable solely from the files in the MyFirstApp folder, in android studio The unittesting and all raspberry pi code requires a physical raspberry pi to run ass it needs access to the gpio pins onboard of the pi.