
Primary LanguageShell

POC MTLS WITH APACHE version Container

This project is an implementation simple for creating the mutual authentication "mTLS"


01 - generate structure into folder ssl

./build-key.sh init

02 - generate Certificate CA

./build-key.sh ca

03 - generate certificate for server

./build-key.sh server

04 - generate certificate for client

./build-key.sh client

05 - build the image

docker build -t apache-mtls .  

06 - run image

docker run -it --rm --name apache-mtls -p 8080:443 \
-v $(pwd)/apache/www:/var/www/html/itaupix-sp/public \
-v $(pwd)/apache/conf/httpd.conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf \
-v $(pwd)/apache/conf/sites-enabled:/usr/local/apache2/conf/sites-enabled \

07 - Postman Import/Configure

  • Importar Request mTLS.postman_collection.json no Postman
  • Configure the client.crt and client.key in File -> Settings -> Certificates

@test! In port that has configured "8080".
