
tsuevac for database

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Optimization of Tsunami Evacuation using Reinforcement Learning

Last update: 2023.03.01


This repository prepares the data and runs a reinforcement learning-based tsunami evacuation optimization.


┣ quantum
┃ ┣ source
┃ ┃ ┣ __init__.py
┃ ┃ ┣ createLinksAndNodes.py
┃ ┃ ┣ dataset.py
┃ ┃ ┣ getPopulation.py
┃ ┃ ┣ make_video.py
┃ ┃ ┣ preprocess.py
┃ ┃ ┣ process.py
┃ ┃ ┣ qlearn.py
┃ ┃ ┣ send_email.py
┃ ┃ ┗ setActionsAndTransitions.py
┃ ┣ params.py
┃ ┗ runner.py
┗ requirements.txt


  1. Create a conda environment as conda create --name quantum
  2. Activate the new environment as conda activate quantum
  3. Install gdal from conda as conda install -c conda-forge gdal
  4. Install requirements.txt with pip as pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Modify the params.py file to model your case. See the parameters description section.
  2. Run runner.py file. Preferably in a tmux session.

1. Parameters Description

Input parameters

CASE_NAME | str : The name of your case to run.

Run conditions

EMAIL_BOOL | bool : Set True to receive email when simulation is done. The details of the email is in send_email.py file and the password should be in the environment variables.
SERVER_HOST | str : The server host address
PORT | int : Port number
EMAIL | str
EMAIL_PWD | str : Environment variable

Census data source

CENSUS_FROM_FILE_BOOL | bool : True to use the file provided in CENSUS_FILE below.
POPULATION_FIELDNAME_IN_FILE | str : The field name with population data (e.g. MSSD: "population"; for Census: "M_TOTPOP_H").
BEFORE_2011_BOOL | bool : If True extracts Census Data before the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Shelter data source

SHELTERS_FROM_FILE_BOOL | bool : True to use the file provided in SHELTERS_FILE, if false needs paramters below.
SHELTER_ID_BOOL | bool : If True reads list of nodes id for shelters from SHELTER_ID_LIST. If False prompts for id nodes.
FILTER_SHELTER_BOOL | bool : If True filters the kind of shelters to TSUNAMI shelters.
SHELTER_ID_LIST | list of int : List of nodes id to consider as shelters.

In case census or shelters are taken from database

PREF_CODE | int : The one or two digit code of Japan Prefecture. Used to get the population from Census Data.

Run options

WK_CRS | int : A working CRS in GCS (e.g. 4326).
PJ_CRS | int : A projected CRS in UTM (e.g. 6690).

ROAD_NETWORK_FROM_FILE_BOOL | bool : True to use the files provided in EDGES_FILE and NODES_FILE; if False needs parameter below. OSM_NTYPE | str : Network type from the OSM catalog (e.g. "drive").

File locations

AOS_FILE | geojson : Polygon of the area of study. Used to get population and clip other data.
CENSUS_FILE | geojson : A meshed file of population data.
SHELTERS_FILE | geojson : A file with building data of shelters.

EDGES_FILE | geojson : Network edges. (optional)
NODES_FILE | geojson : Network nodes. (optional)

Scenario parameters

SIM_TIME | int : Time in minutes for evacuation. Arrival time of tsunami may be used.
MEAN_DEPARTURE | int : Mean of a Rayleigh distribution for the Departure Curve. A value in minutes).
NUM_START | int : 0 when no previous output is used or a number of the state to the simulation.
NUM_BLOCKS | int : Default to 1. These are blocks to apply GLIE.
MULTIPLE_RUNS_BOOL | bool : To run multiple scenarios of various epochs sequentially. If True then NUM_SIM_PER_BLOCK needs to be a list.
NUM_SIM_PER_BLOCK | list of int : Number of simulations at each block. Notice that the total number of episodes will be NUM_BLOCKS * NUM_SIM_PER_BLOCK.

Reinforcement Learning parameters

GLIE_PERCENTAGE | float : Keep in 1.0.
DISCOUNT_RATE | float : Default 0.9.
FREQ_HISTOGRAM | int : Default 10. Frequency at which histograms of density are calculated in network edges to adjust evacuees' velocities. (in seconds).
SURVIVE_REWARD | int : A reward value for actions at states in nodes that guided agents who reached shelters on time. Default 100_000 (Postitive).
DEAD_REWARD | int : A penalty when the evacuation of an agent was not succesful. Default -1000 (Negative).
STEP_REWARD | int : A penalty for time pressure in evacaution. Default -1 (Negative).

Other parameters not needed to be modified

CASE_FOLDER | holds the local address to the folder.
DATA_FOLDER | holds the local address to the data for RL within CASE_FOLDER.
REF_FOLDER | holds the local address to the spatial data saved in pre-process.
WEIGHT_FOLDER | store weights of each episode.
START_DATE | store the current date when simulation is executed.
GRAPH_FILE | path to the graph.gpkg downloaded from OSM.
BBOX | Used in preprocess to define bounding box of the area of study.