An example of a Discord.js Bot Handler. Updated and Maintained by the Idiot's Guide Community.
Ages ago, Guide Bot was actually a little bot I had on the official discord.js server. It helped me link to the d.js bot making guide I was building, with links. This bot grew into something that I could show new coders and bot makers, but over time it grew into a full framework - one that is now under the hands of a group of contributors, and no longer easily "understandable" by the majority of our newbies. So I've pulled the original Guide Bot out of the mothballs, gave it a fresh coat of paint and grease, and here it is back in its full glory!
This command handler is 98% compatible with my selfbot and 99% compatible with commands from York's Tutorial Bot.
command line (Windows|Linux|MacOS) installednode
Version 8.0.0 or higher
You also need your bot's token. This is obtained by creating an application in the Developer section of Check the first section of this page for more info.
In a command prompt in your projects folder (wherever that may be) run the following:
git clone
Once finished:
- In the folder from where you ran the git command, run
cd guidebot
and then runnpm install
- Rename or copy
- Edit
and fill in all the relevant details as indicated in the file's comments.
To start the bot, in the command prompt, run the following command:
node index.js
To add the bot to your guild, you have to get an oauth link for it.
You can use this site to help you generate a full OAuth Link, which includes a calculator for the permissions: