React Portfolio 04

This design is inspired by the work of Cristian Mihai. Click here to watch the video.


This web page was made with the following technologies:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Icons
  • React Type Animation
  • React Scroll
  • React Countup
  • React Intersection Observer
  • Framer Motion
  • Tailwind CSS


This web page contains 5 sections: Banner, About, Services, Work and Contact.


In this section you will see the title of the web page, an interactive subtitle, a brief description and a button that directs you to the contact section and another button that directs you to the portfolio section, below you will see some links to different social networks. And on the right side, an image.

preview home section


In this section, you'll see the section title, a subtitle, and a description. In addition, you will see the years of experience, the number of projects carried out and satisfied customers. You will also see a button that directs you to the contact section and another to the portfolio section.

preview services section


In this section, you will see a section title and a subtitle. Also on the right hand side you will see a list of services that are offered.

preview who section


In this section you can see all the projects that have been carried out. Each project has a title and the area to which it belongs.

preview contact section 1


In this section you can see a form where you can enter your name, email and the message you want to send. The form is not functional.

preview contact section 1