Visual Querying of Large Multilayer Graphs

A new approah for the analysis of complex data containing different types of relations and modeled in the form of multilayer graphs.


Many real world data can be represented by a network with a set of nodes linked each other by multiple relations. Such a rich graph is called multilayer graph. In this demo, we present a tool for Visual Querying of Large Multilayer Graphs that allows to visually draw the query, retrieve result patterns and finally navigate and browse the results considering the original multilayer graph database. Our approach does not only provide a graphical user interface for the graph engine but the query processing is fully integrated.

This code is the implementation that have been used in:

E. Cuenca, A. Sallaberry, D. Ienco, and P. Poncelet. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 32:1-32:4, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, July 2018.

PDF | Video


Visual graph querying, Subgraph results, Multilayer graphs

Programming language


Operating systems



This application was developped by Erick Cuenca when he was a member of the ADVANSE team at LIRMM.

Getting the code

The code is hosted at Github

Get the last version of this approach with:

$ git clone
$ cd visual-querying-of-large-multilayer-graphs


  • Be sure that a Java Virtual Machine is installed
  • Be sure that a Maven repository is installed
  • Using any IDE for Java (e.g. Eclipse) import the files as a new Maven project
  • Update the project dependencies if required
  • Compile the project
  • Run the project


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