
Generate an Agile Lorem Ipsum placeholder text

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Generate agile Lorem Ipsum placeholder texts



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

In order to adjust the Lorem Ipsum to todays standart, the Agile Ipsum was born. Instead of latin-looking words, the Agile Ipsum generates placeholder texts with agile buzzwords.

What Does this Repository Contain?

This repository contains a website, built with a static site generator called GatsbyJS. The agile words are being stored in the words.txt file, which are being read while building the website.

In addition to this, it also contains:

We recommend familiarizing yourself with the above sections, particularly if you are looking to make a contribution.

Running the website locally



In order to preview the website locally, make sure you clone the repository on your machine using Git.

git clone https://github.com/BrunnerLivio/agile-ipsum.git

Installing dependencies

To install all the dependencies needed by this repository, change the directory using your shelll into the newly cloned repository and run the install command by npm.

cd agile-ipsum
npm install

Starting the website during development

The development mode comes with live-reload functionality out of the box. In order to start the website, after you have installed the dependencies, simply run the following command.

npm start

Building the website for producton

The production bundle will get automatically minified and bundled. In order to build the project, simply run the following command. You will find the built assets in the public/ folder.

npm run build