You think there is no place in code reviews to discuss about files naming conventions ? Impose consistent files and directories naming rules with flint: the filesystem linter.
$ go get -u
Go to your project's root directory then
$ flint init # create a configuration file with default configuration
$ flint
# or cd my_directory && flint to lint only current directory and subfiles
Configuration is stored in a .flint.(toml|json)
file at the root of your project (repo).
When runned, flint will recursively search upward for a configuraiton file, starting in the current directory.
$ cat .flint.toml
# as json does not allow comments, you can use "comment" field everywhere
comment = "This is a configuration file for flint, the filesystem linter. More information here:"
format = "default" # valid values are [default]
severity = "warning" # valid values are [off, warning, error]
error_code = 1
warning_code = 0
match_format = "blob" # match format for ignore_directories and ignore_files, valid values are [blob, regexp]
# you can ignore files and directories using glob or regexp syntax according to the configuration above
ignore_files = [".*", "vendor", "Gopkg.toml", "Gopkg.lock", "", "LICENSE"]
ignore_directories = [".*", "vendor"]
# define used rules
Name | Description |
dir/no_dot |
Disallows the usage of . in directory names. |
file/lower_case_ext |
Files names hould be lower cased. |
file/no_multi_ext |
Disallows usage of multiple extensions in file names (eg. main.text.js). |
no_empty_name |
Disallows usage of names which only contains whitespaces. |
no_leading_underscores |
Disallows usage of leading underscores in names. |
no_trailing_underscores |
Disallows usage of trailing underscores in names. |
no_whitespaces |
Disallows usage of whitespaces in names. |
snake_case |
Force names to respect the snake case convention (only lower cased alphanum and underscores). |