
Laser cutter templates to hold shop objects

MIT LicenseMIT

Laser cut holders


This project contains a master Illustrator file and component SVG files to laser cut various container "holders" relevant for a shop.


These files are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/]

Project verified on

Glowforge, should work with any laser cutter

Information Sources

GIMP Palette

Name: Glowforge

0 0 0 1 black (#000000) 0 0 255 2 dark blue (#0000ffff) 0 100 0 3 dark green (#006400ff) 0 100 255 4 navy blue (#0064ffff) 0 255 0 5 bright green (#00ff00ff) 0 255 255 6 aqua blue (#00ffffff) 100 0 0 7 brown (#640000ff) 100 0 255 8 purple (#6400ffff) 100 255 0 9 lime green (#64ff00ff) 255 0 0 10 red (#ff0000ff) 255 0 255 11 magenta (#ff00ffff) 255 100 0 12 orange (#ff6400ff) 255 255 0 13 yellow (ffff00ff)

Notes for using GIMP palette with Glowforge

  • Lower hex # colors cut first
  • convert text to outlines or paths


- 082718 - Artboard 1; inspired by Tested video, 34mm paint bottles
- 090718 - Artboard 5,6 second artboard supports varied sizes of glue bottles
- 100618
  - Artboard 2; various sizes of LiPo batteries for .50cal ammo box
  - color code cuts so inside cuts occur before outside cuts
  - engrave text into material
- 102819 - Artboard 3,4; AAA, AA, and C battery storage

Feature Requests

- 082718 - [34mm bottles] higher middle for side structural ridigity
- 082718 - ALL; multiple mid notches for different size containers (see Tested example)
- 082718 - ALL; top and bottom notch for stacking (see Tested example)
- 082718 - ALL; bottom floor (notch) needs to be higher to accomodate stacking notch
- 082718 - ALL; etch label on side so container type can be known if containers are obscured (see Tested example)
- 082718 - ALL; proper sized side notch heights for material being used (add annotation for users to remember to change this)
- 102819 - [AA batteries] - potential mid mid horizontal layer to stabilize batteries
- 102819 - [AA batteries] - feet to stabilize weight in middle of horizontal bottom piece
- 110919 - [AA batteries] - Need to add vertical height (? at least 1mm) from bottom of vertical piece to horizontal floor piece for structural integrity. Acrylic cracked in current spacing.